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To Her Amazement, Tummy Calm Worked Instantaneously

To Her Amazement, Tummy Calm Worked Instantaneously

Many babies experience at least a couple blissful weeks after birth. Unfortunately, many other babies start experiencing digestive woes soon after those first weeks. This was no different for Stacie and her beautiful daughter Alyssa. In fact she was a “very happy” until two weeks of age. Seemingly out of nowhere, Alyssa started experiencing strong gas pains that would leave her screaming every night for hours. Like most babies, Alyssa started experiencing these pains right around the "witching hours". It left her upset and restless every night at the same time. Only the passing of time offered temporary daily relief, despite Stacie's tireless efforts to comfort.

One day Stacie’s friend suggested Colic Calm. Out of sheer desperation she stopped by Walgreens to pick up Colic Calm, and found Tummy Calm. Knowing that Alyssa was experiencing strong gas pains, she decided to give it a shot. To her amazement, it worked instantaneously.

Now, with Tummy Calm in hand, she religiously gave a dose right before the witching hour. It allowed Alyssa to fall asleep and wake up a happy baby every single night. It was now a part of her daily regimen. After few weeks Stacie decided that she was was ready to decrease the daily dose. She was a bit nervous that the gas pain would return. Tummy Calm did continue to work to her great relief.

Now at 18 months old, Alyssa takes Tummy Calm on occasion, when she has an upset tummy. When she does use Tummy Calm, Stacie now uses a smaller dose to alleviate any pains. We are so happy to have been able to help Alyssa. Our goal at Tummy Calm and Colic Calm is to make family life harmonious from the very start. Thank you Stacie and Alyssa for allowing us to share your story!