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One Mom's Story: Jocelyn and Baby Bentley

One Mom's Story: Jocelyn and Baby Bentley

When Jocelyn had Bentley (her second child) all seemed well. Then, when he was about six weeks old, he “woke” up as newborns do. He was cooed a little more, looked around a bit more, and he cried A LOT more. Especially at night time. Jocelyn says that, “Bentley would cry from 6:30-9:00 PM and not calm down.” Bentley had the dreaded colic, and as those of us with colicky babies know, this is no fun for a family—especially when there are older siblings that need a good night’s rest. After about a week of his crying,

Jocelyn was telling one of her friends that Bentley seemed very fussy and was especially gassy. Her friend did a bit of research and found Colic Calm online and sent the link to Jocelyn. When Jocelyn was telling another friend about the Colic Calm find, the friend told her that she was using it and it was helping her daughter. Jocelyn immediately decided to get some. She says, “. . . I bought two bottles! I didn't realize I could pick it up at CVS so I ordered it online and had it expedited to my house. Before it got there I got some at CVS since I was near one at the time. I'm glad I have two bottles, one for home and one for the diaper bag!” Bentley was about seven weeks old when he received his first dose and was nine weeks old at interview time. Jocelyn says she was giving it to him, “Before feeding and before bed. His crying time starts at 6:30 PM so I give him some around that time.” And how is Bentley now? “Since giving him Colic Calm he still has some crying times, but he calms down a lot easier and is able to pass his gas without as much discomfort. He even likes the taste of it!” Are you a Colic Calm user and would like to share your story? Just let us know by leaving a comment below and we’ll be in touch! As a thank you, Colic Calm will send you one bottle when your story goes live.