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Gripe Waters-Do They Work?

Gripe Waters-Do They Work?

gripe waters, facts on gripe water, colic calm, homepathy for colicI just received my new issue of Parents Magazine (June 2010) and immediately turned to the article on colic, entitled The Colic Chronicles. In it, the author, Karen Springen, states that “gripe waters” (and specifically mentions Colic Calm) along with other home remedies of white noise, sounds of the heartbeat, and anti-gas drops seem to work on babies with colic, but there is no scientific evidence to back it up. This is where Springen is wrong.

Colic Calm is the only FDA registered “gripe water” on the market. Colic is caused from gas being stuck in the stomach as well as the intestines. The baby can not relieve the gas, therefore, making him/her uncomfortable which results in unstoppable crying. Colic Calm contains carbon, which is proven to attract gas. As the harmless carbon travels through the baby’s stomach and intestines, it picks up the gas, therefore, relieving the baby. Voila--you end up with a laughing baby instead of a crying one. Something everyone is thankful for. Watch this video to see Colic Calm's magic for yourself: -