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Homemade Baby Wipes Recipe

Homemade Baby Wipes Recipe

Between diapers, wipes, bottles, formula, clothing and everything in between, purchasing everyday items for your baby can get expensive. Have you ever wondered if there was a way to cut down the cost of baby items? 

One way that you can cut back on cost is to try making your own baby wipes! A standard box of baby wipes can cost anywhere from $5 to $15. By making your baby wipes at home, you’ll be spending less than a dollar a box. The benefit of saving money is obvious - but is the hassle of making your own baby wipes worth the savings? 

We’ve found a homemade baby wipe recipe that takes just 10 minutes or less! These recipes maximize your savings without wasting your time. 

To make homemade baby wipes, you’ll need: 

1. 1 Roll of Cloth-Like Paper Towels 

2. 2 Cups of Water 

3. 2 Tablespoons Liquid Baby Bath Soap 

4. 1 Tablespoon Baby Oil 

5. 7 to 8 Cups Square or Round Container 


1. Cut a paper towel roll in half with a serrated knife. 

2. Place one of the halves in the round or square container (save the other half for when you’re ready to make a second batch). 

3. Boil 2 cups of water for 2 minutes. 

4. Add liquid bath soap and baby oil to the boiled water. 

5. Pour mixture evenly over paper towels. 

6. Pull out the cardboard core of the paper towel roll (it should come out easily once it is wet). 

7. Place lid on container. 

8. Keep the lid securely on the container until ready to use. Pull the wipes from the center of the roll and then replace lid after each use. 

9. The wipes should stay wet and fresh for up to a week. If you haven’t used all the wipes and they’ve started to dry out, simply add boiled water to refresh the roll. 

10. Do not flush the wipes. 

If you would rather follow this recipe via a video format, here is the Youtube version. 

One thing to note is that homemade baby wipes can sometimes get moldy. To combat this, simply add a few drops of tea tree oil. Tea tree oil has antibacterial properties and smells great. You can also add a splash of white vinegar which will serve the same purpose as the tea tree oil. White vinegar can also fight yeast infections in babies.  

Do you already make your own baby wipes and have another homemade baby wipes recipe? Let us know below! We would love to hear from you. 
This Homemade Baby Wipes Recipe is a repost from