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Reduce New Mom Postnatal Stress By Planning Early For Your Baby’s Arrival 

Reduce New Mom Postnatal Stress By Planning Early For Your Baby’s Arrival 

Planning for the arrival of your first baby can relieve stress. 25% of first-time moms say they go through a period of high parental stress, so getting organized early is crucial. Most women start planning when they’re in the second trimester. Here are the most important things to do to make your journey to becoming a mom less stressful. 
Anticipate feeding problems 
85% of mothers say they hope to breastfeed their tots for at least 3 months. In reality, less than one-third of moms do this. Up to 5% of women don’t produce enough milk. Other breastfeeding problems include latching issues and blocked milk ducts. Bottle-feeding or combination feeding are sometimes used in these cases, so make sure you’ve got bottles, formula, a sterilizer, and sterilizing solution ready in case you need it. Colic is a common problem seen in newborns and it’s a good idea to have colic remedies in your home so you haven’t got to make a middle-of-the-night dash to the pharmacy. 
Have an early baby shower 
Baby showers usually take place 4 to 6 weeks before a baby’s due date. You’ll receive a lot of gifts that you’ll need in the vital first few weeks of your baby’s life at your baby shower and you need to have plenty of time to organize it all. It can be beneficial to have your baby shower 2 to 3 months before your tot’s arrival. By having it early, you’ll also have more energy and will want to mark your newborn’s impending arrival with some fun games with your loved ones. Good baby shower games include bib decorating, baby shower bingo, and balloon baby Twister. In return for having a good time, you'll be inundated with diapers, clothing, wipes, and more. All of which will need sorting into appropriate sizes and putting away before your baby arrives. 
Make a list 
 There will be a lot to sort out after the birth of your baby, including applying for a birth certificate, registering with a healthcare provider, applying for your infant’s social security number, updating your Will, and so much more. This may feel overwhelming and stressful. You can ease this worry by making a list before your baby is born. Include phone numbers, email addresses, and other crucial information, so you can easily go through them one-by-one when you’re feeling up to it after giving birth. 
Becoming a mom is an exciting experience. But it can be a stressful and unexpected time in your life too. Make things a little easier for yourself with these handy tips.