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UK Mom Shares Colic Calm Success Story

UK Mom Shares Colic Calm Success Story

Colic expert, Rebecca Palmer, provides parents with a bespoke colic baby consultancy programs. We have been fortunate to partner with Rebecca as she helps guide her clients to find suitable remedies for their colicky infant. The following is one mom's success story:

One of the most popular colic remedies in the US is Colic Calm. It’s now becoming popular in the UK market too so thanks to Colic Calm who sent me their goodies, I asked a client to put it to the test. Read on for a Colic Calm review.

What is Colic Calm?
Colic Calm is a herbal remedy that is similar to a type of gripe water. However what makes this different is that the ingredients are natural rather than the usual sodium bicarbonate, sugar and oils.

It contains 8 active homeopathic remedies including chamomile, vegetable carbon, fennel, caraway, peppermint, ginger, lemon balm and blackthorn.

Vegetable Carbon
The vegetable carbon gives the colic remedy a black tar consistency which could immediately put some parents off from using it. My advice is to make sure you have a bib or avoid giving it when your baby is wearing their best clothes in case of spills.

So why use vegetable carbon? It helps to negate gas, bloating and digestive cramps. If your baby is struggling with trapped wind and gas then this can help because it absorbs the gas as it passes through the intestines. As the carbon isn’t absorbed by the body (it just passes through), it collects gas, toxins and waste and out it comes when your baby poops. Making this the star ingredient!

To read the rest of this blog, visit Colic SOS.