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What is Gripe Water?

Babies cry for many reasons and it is often hard for parents to know the precise cause. Otherwise healthy infants who cry inconsolably for more than three hours per day, for at least three days per week are said to have colic, which affects as many as 1 in 4 newborns between the ages of 2 weeks and 4 months.

While no studies have proven a precise cause for colic, experts such as Dr. Lasse Lothe and Dr. Zvi Weizman point to gastroenterological origins. An informal poll of Colic Calm customers found 74% of parents said their baby showed “signs of gas such as; abdominal bloating or a hard distended stomach”, and 70% said the symptoms “began after a meal.”

Gripe water is a popular natural liquid remedy that has been used for over 100 years to treat digestive discomfort associated with infant colic, gassiness and hiccups. Many naturally-minded mothers and pediatricians trust this remedy based on their shared personal experiences as an enlightened alternative to harsh chemical drugs like simethicone or acid blockers.

The original formula was developed by American pharmacist William Woodward in 1851 while living in Nottingham, England. It contained dill oil, sodium bicarbonate and alcohol. However, by FDA decree, none of the brands sold in the US contain alcohol. Furthermore, none contain dill oil, presumably because it is not listed on the FDA’s Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list. Although still labelled as gripe water, products sold in the US differ substantially from the original European Woodward’s formula.

Original Woodward's Gripe Water Ad

Original Woodward Gripe Water Ad